A wet week forecast for Douglas Shire



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It is set to be a wet rest of the week for the Douglas Shire as the Bureau of Meteorology initiates a Flood Watch for areas between the Cape York Peninsula and coastal catchments south to Mackay from tomorrow.

The warning area includes the Mossman and Daintree River catchments.

The Bureau of Meteorology has warned that widespread heavy rainfall is possible from Wednesday, associated with the likely development of a tropical low in the Coral Sea and a separate area of heavy rainfall moving up the east coast.

This low is expected to develop further, with an increasing chance of forming into a tropical cyclone late in the week.

At this stage, the system is most likely to move to the southeast while remaining off of the Queensland coast, posing no direct threat to the Douglas Shire.

The total rainfall will be dependent on the development and movement of the tropical system in the coming days.

Catchments within the Flood Watch area are relatively wet from rainfall over recent weeks and will therefore be more responsive to heavy rainfall, with riverine flooding possible from Wednesday.

Stay up to date with Douglas weather, see current conditions, and find out what you can do while it is raining.

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