Small business expert: How to create new revenue


Many businesses in the Douglas Shire are doing it tough at the moment so unlocking new revenue streams has never been more important.

Newsport is running a series of giveaways giving our readers the chance to get their hands-on small business expert, Thomas Pollock’s, new book Winning Government Business: The 6 Rules And 9 Absolutes for Small to Medium Businesses.

- Insiders secrets to bringing new revenue into your small business

During tough economic times, there's only one sector guaranteed to not just keep spending, but in fact, increase its spend, and that is government and if you can win a government contact it can make a world of difference for your business.

Government contracts and tenders are not just reserved for the big guys, small and medium businesses just need to know how to compete and make themselves heard.

Mr Pollock explains the best ways to go about this in his book.

To get your hands on a copy simply join the competition by entering the codeword ‘BUSINESS’ in the comments below.

The first round winners were:

  • Tony McInnes
  • Grant Knight
  • Carmen Henning-White

Please contact Newsport on 40995122 or email to claim your prize.

Tom’s Tips

Mr Pollock explains that businesses looking to open Government revenue streams must 'Learn by Losing'. 

“Rarely does a business win Government contracts the first time they make a submission, however, real knowledge can be gained when you lose out,” he said.

“When you lose a bid, you can very simply and easily ask for a debrief session with Government.  

“They'll be available for a meeting with you, and if you ask the right questions, you can start to realise exactly where your submission, proposal, or grant application fell down.

“So, the next time you bid for Government business, you can factor in that feedback you received, and your submissions will be far more compelling to Government.

“Remember, ask for a debrief,” he said.

Get your hands on the book by entering the codeword 'BUSINESS' below or if you're not one of our lucky winners go to Winning Government Business to get your own copy.

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