Insiders secrets to bringing new revenue into your small business

It has never been more important for small business owners to understand how to unlock new revenue streams and winning Government contracts can be the lifeline they desperately need.
Government contracts and tenders are not just reserved for big companies, small and medium businesses just need to know how to compete, and expert Thomas Pollock’s new book, Winning Government Business: The 6 Rules And 9 Absolutes for Small to Medium Businesses, can show you how.
Competition code word: BUSINESS
Newsport readers are in for the chance to get their hands on a copy of the book by simply entering the codeword ‘BUSINESS’ in the comments below.
Three winners will be selected a week for the next four weeks announced via Newsport.
Author Thomas Pollock has almost 20 years’ experience immersed in the Australian small-to-medium business world and this book is the sum of his experience.
“When I started in small business, I made all the mistakes in the world and this book is basically that journey,” he said.
“It tells small businesses what not to do so they can skip the mistakes I made, and it provides a clear way to win government business and compete with bigger businesses for contracts.”
Mr Pollock said the timing of the launch during the coronavirus pandemic was completely unexpected, but it highlights an enduring truth that during a tough economic climate, there's only one sector guaranteed to not just keep spending, but in fact, increase its spend, and that is government.
"Small businesses that are trying to win government business, grants, and contracts, have a much stronger chance of riding out this period and even growing through it. Knowing where to begin is key and understanding what the Government wants in its partners is critical."
“To achieve its policy goals, governments frequently turn to the private sector. Most people think that means they want to with big business, but the reality is they also welcome partnerships with small businesses that represents an extremely important part of their voter base.
“However, given the strict criteria government must follow, their committees and selection panels must be certain that small businesses are capable of delivering what’s required. My book sets out concrete steps for how your small business can prove it’s one of the capable ones,” he said.
Mr Pollock added its important time for businesses to implement these strategies now as the State Government recently announced a set target to do more business with more local Queensland small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs).
From 1 July, 25 per cent of all government purchases are aimed to be from Queensland small and medium-sized businesses.
The target will be extended to 30 per cent by 30 June 2022.
This target is expected to provide around $4.1 billion from the Queensland government to Queensland SMEs from next financial year.
“I just hope small businesses can adapt some of the book’s techniques and tips to win contracts that keep them going - or even keep them growing - right through to the end of this and into better times in 2021 and 2022,” Mr Pollock said.
Get your hands on the book by entering the codeword 'BUSINESS' below or if you're not one of our lucky winners go to Winning Government Business to get your own copy.
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