Free social ocean swim to kick off at Four Mile Beach
Avid swimmers will have the chance to join a free social ocean swim at Four Mile Beach.
The Swimfit Social Ocean Swim, organised by local swimming coach Irene Cats, will kick off this Saturday 27 June at 9:00am at the front of the lifeguard patrol hut.
Ms Cats said she hopes to see this grow into a weekly community event with locals and visitors joining in for a swim.
“Ocean swimming is a very social sport and of course there is safety in numbers when being out in the water,” she said.
Check out the Four Mile Beachcam
“Everyone can swim as far as they like. As the course, we will use the orange and black cans out in front of the patrol hut, a lap around them is about 500 metres and you can do as many as you want.
“Or swim out to one can and back in for about a 200-metre swim.”
Ms Cats said anyone with a basic level of swimming is welcome to join in.
“I will be there most Saturdays and will be happy to share swimming tips and tricks with anyone interested.”
“I’ve already had a lovely message from Tom Patts, Vice President of the Marine Rescue Port Douglas, offering a patrol before the swim.
“Four Mile Beach is such a beautiful playground and I would love to see everyone make most of it,” she said.
For more information visit the Swimfit Facebook Page.
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