Competition: When will Migaloo arrive?


Newsport is celebrating the beginning of the annual whale season with a friendly competition to guess when Migaloo, the most famous whale of them all, will grace us with his presence.

According to a dedicated Twitter account tracking his movements, Australia’s famous white humpback whale is heading north, reportedly spotted off the northern NSW coast last week.

While it is still early in the season, we have our fingers crossed that it won’t be long before he pops up in waters off the Far North.

In anticipation, Newsport is offering a free double pass to Mackay Coral Cay on board Sailaway Port Douglas to the person who correctly guesses (or is closest to) the date Migaloo will be first spotted off Port Douglas or Cairns (whichever is first) this year.

 Enter the comp by telling us your guess in the comments below or in the Facebook comments.

Migaloo was first spotted off the Australian east coast in1991 and is estimated to now be in his 30s.

The all-white whale is the megastar of the Great Barrier Reef and until 2011 was thought to be the only albino humpback in the world until footage emerged of an all-white calf now known as Migaloo Junior. There are now believed to be only three or four other known white humpback whales in the world.

Migaloo is protected under Queensland and Commonwealth legislation, which states that no vessel is allowed to go within 500m of him.

Whale sightings are a huge drawcard for tourists and the Port Douglas region is a prime spot to catch a glimpse.

- Video | Migaloo and friends visit the Great Barrier Reef
- Whales return: family of humpbacks spotted minutes from Port

The first Humpback sighting off Port Douglas for 2020 was seen on Sailaway a couple of weeks ago, just a few minutes offshore.

Thousands of whales make their way north each year between June and November to mate and calve as the wintery waters of the south become too cold.


- Competition conditions apply
- Subject to availability
- If more than one person guesses correctly, the winner will be picked at random from the correct guesses.
- Th winner will be announced on Newsport after the first confirmed sighting
- If Migaloo is not spotted at all off the Port Douglas or Cairns coast in 2020 then better luck next year!


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