Driver lucky to escape crash in Port Douglas
A motorist is lucky to be alive after a car crash in Port Douglas over the weekend.
The Queensland Ambulance Service (QAS) responded to the single-vehicle incident just before midnight on Sunday 19 July, finding a car down an embankment on the side of a Port Douglas Road roundabout, adjacent to the Sheraton Grand Mirage entrance.
The rear end of the vehicle was left completely smashed in.
- Vehicle in ditch south of Mossman
A QAS spokesperson said the motorist escaped with minor injuries and did not need to be transported to Hospital.
Port Douglas Station Officer-in-Charge, Sergeant Damian Meadows, said the driver was very fortunate.
“The vehicle has spun and hit some palm trees in reverse, if the car had hit from another way, it could have been much worse,” he said.
Sergeant Meadows urged all motorists to drive carefully and be mindful of conditions.
“With increases in movements as restrictions ease, people need to remember to drive to suit the conditions of the road and flow in traffic,” he said.
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