Council comes to the aid of the Mossman Golf Club
The Douglas Shire Council has come to the aid of the Mossman Golf Course at today’s Ordinary Council Meeting, resolving to purchase the land and lease the club operations to the Mossman Bowls Club.
The future of the club had been uncertain with current operators, the Douglas Community and Sports Club (DCSC) who also operate the Tin Shed in Port Douglas, recently approaching Council with the offer, after facing financial constraints in maintaining both facilities due to COVID-19.
- Popular club looks to council for assistance
The Mossman Golf Club sits on three parcels of land; one of which is already Council owned, the second, Council is the trustee of, and the third is the freehold land in question, currently held by the DCSC of which the golf clubhouse and carpark sits on.
Mayor Michael Kerr said the Council will purchase the 1.42-hectare freehold block of land and associated buildings and lease all three lots to an operator.
“We are not buying a golf club, we are buying the asset of land, the bricks and mortar, and will lease the actual business out to the Mossman Bowls Club,” he said.
The initial lease permit is for 12 months, with an option to extend for up to a further two years upon agreement by both parties.
The 18-hole golf course, which is open seven days per week, has a clubhouse with a licensed bar and dining area, commercial kitchen, golf pro shop, male and female change rooms and toilet facilities.
Mayor Kerr said Council will purchase the property for under the market value and through the lease would be able to get a return on the investment.
“It's a win-win situation, the community gets to keep the golf course, a great local sporting club, and the ratepayers will get a return on the asset purchase.”
Mossman Bowls Club General Manager, Kevin Rynne, said there is still a number of things to work through before the lease is finalised but that it is great that the club would remain in the community.
“It is a common sense move and there is a lot of community support for control of the club to return to a Mossman based organisation,” he said.
“We are confident we are in a good position to get things re-started at the club and get everything back on a solid footing for the local golfers.”
General Manager of the DCSC, Kym Rowley, said it was an unfortunate but necessary decision made by the DCSC to let the club go.
“The Douglas Shire Council, the Mossman Bowls Club and ourselves have worked together very well, to ensure that the club continues,” he said.
“It’s a great outcome from today’s meeting. It’s great for the community and certainly, the Council is not purchasing for the sake of purchasing, they see the long term benefit that it gives council in terms of an income source,” Mr Rowley said.
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