Transport and Main Roads to hold talks over Newell Beach Boat Ramp upgrade
The Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) will hold talks with locals and key stakeholders to discuss the proposed upgrades to the Newell Beach Boat Ramp.
The meeting will be held on 29 January at the Mossman Boating and Fishing Club in Newell Beach at 5:30pm.
Currently, TMR has plans to begin construction of a 2-lane boat ramp and floating walkway at Newell Beach after the 2020 wet season, weather permitting.
The proposed works include the construction of a causeway across the existing ramp and installation of a new all tide boat ramp and access walkway into the Mossman River main channel. It is expected to reduce tidal influences and provide a safer all-tide facility.
Meeting organiser and administrator of the Cairns and FNQ Fishing Facebook group, Dan Hammersley, said the purpose of the meeting is to get all the boating community together to have their say on what they believe is needed.
“We need the public to have their say on what is required as they are the main users of the ramp,” he said.
“When I spoke to the Mossman Boating and Fishing Club, they said the ramp is probably the most used in the region, but it can’t be used in all tides.
“An upgrade is definitely needed, rocky point boat ramp can only be used during high tide, the Daintree boat ramp is a long distance from the ocean and the Port Douglas boat ramp is in a really busy spot particularly on market day, making parking difficult.”
Mr Hammersley is encouraging everyone interested to attend with engineers and spokespersons from TMR to present their plans.
“TMR will put out the concept plans they have already drawn up and people can give their opinions on those,” he said.
The Queensland Transport and Roads Investment Program includes $3.2 million to upgrade boating infrastructure at Newell Beach, under the Marine Infrastructure Fund.
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