Tourism body ensuring right messaging received

As Tourism and Events Queensland (TEQ) says its thoughts are with fire-affected communities across Australia, it will continue to monitor the situation and its coverage closely, working alongside Tourism Australia and Queensland’s Regional Tourism Organisations (RTOs), to review marketing and messaging as needed.
In their latest weekly industry newsletter, ‘Eye on Q’, they said while Queensland’s tourism operations remain unaffected, TEQ is working closely with Tourism Australia, the other State Tourism Organisations and all of Queensland’s RTOs to ensure our international trade partners and consumers receive the latest information on the situation.
“We are sensitive to the ongoing emergency situation and in consultation with the RTOs, TEQ has confirmed our international marketing will largely continue as normal.
“In some limited cases (such as joint Tourism Australia campaigns) some marketing may be paused or rescheduled. We have also re-programmed some domestic marketing activity,” it writes.
It says it welcomes any feedback from current and future guests in relation to cancelling or deferring travel – and requests that this information be shared via the respective RTO or TEQ Destination Director.
“It is important for our industry to ensure travellers are aware of conditions and safe travelling options.”
Queensland has been fortunate to remain largely unaffected by the current bushfires and Queensland’s tourism operators and experiences are operating as usual.
“At Tourism and Events Queensland our thoughts are with fire-affected communities across Australia who have lost so much and the heroes working tirelessly to keep us safe. It is a difficult time and while Queensland has been fortunate to remain largely unaffected by the current bushfires our thoughts remain with our fellow Australians during these challenging times.”
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