Tourism bodies facing up to challenges

Tourism Port Douglas Daintree (TPDD), the region’s tourism body, today said it was working in close consultation with all levels of tourism organisations as well as stepping up activity targeting summer and shoulder season travel.
“It’s going to be a very crowded marketing space in the coming months with so much additional activity being undertaken, so TPDD is working to amplify our region’s message in alignment with the state and federal campaigns,” said TPDD CEO Tara Bennett.
Leanne Coddington, Chief Executive Officer, Tourism and Events Queensland, conceded this is not the start to 2020 anyone would have imagined.
“Queensland's tourism industry is already facing the direct and indirect impacts of bushfires, and now we have the added challenge of the spread of coronavirus and the subsequent group travel suspension out of China.
“Make no mistake, the coming 12 months will be tough. However, I want to assure you that TEQ is working very closely with our national and interstate counterparts to assess the crisis and progress recovery and response activities as fast as we can.
“For Tourism Australia to have launched a major domestic campaign in a matter of days is an important demonstration of our collective commitment to support the industry across the country,” she said.
TEQ's team is also working hard to reprogram marketing activities to ensure they are delivering the right message in the right markets at the right time.
“All of our work is being undertaken in close consultation with the Regional Tourism Organisations (RTOs) across Queensland, and I look forward to working even more closely on aligning our campaigns this year to ensure we gain a share of the voice in what will be a competitive domestic environment.
“We are also keeping a close watch on the latest updates from federal and state advisories on the coronavirus, and we are keenly aware that our industry is already feeling the impacts of the group travel suspension. If you've been impacted by cancellations or otherwise, please contact your RTO to provide feedback.”
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