Thousands raised for bushfires victims at Port Douglas fundraiser

The recent Mates Helping Mates Bushfire Appeal on Australia Day raised a whopping $15,320.12, for bushfire affected regions of Australia.
Event organiser, Jill Todd, said thanks to the Port Douglas Crocs AFL Club, the Muddies Cricket Association and numerous local businesses who donated money, goods, food, and time, the day was a huge success.
“I’m absolutely happy with the day, it was a good fun day out,” she said.
Ms Todd said the community really came together to support those affected by bushfires.

“There were about 500 people throughout the day. Lots of kids and families.
“The footy club was generous donating their clubhouse and players who volunteered to cook the BBQ,” she said.
The day consisted of fun games such as a 20/20 cricket match, and a Lamington eating contest, as well as a raffle, a silent auction, and a community garage sale from goods donated by generous locals and businesses.
“Whatever we didn’t sell, such as clothes, toys, and shoes are all going down to the fire victims via Toll, while the other items such as general household items were all donated to Paws and Claws,” Ms Todd said.
See video of the Lamington Eating Contest below:
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