Search for missing Tolga fisherman called off

The search for the missing 55-year-old fisherman off the coast of Innisfail has been suspended.
The man was identified as Tolga father-of-two Dr Richard Thomas who worked as an anaesthetist at Atherton Hospital.
He was reported missing last Tuesday after he failed to return home after a day of fishing.
- Search continues for fisherman missing off Innisfail
His boat was found drifting unattended at the mouth of the Johnstone River.
An extensive sea and air search of the area over many days, involving water police, Volunteer Coast Guard, helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft, has failed to find any trace of the man.
On Saturday 18 January, a further search was conducted by the QGAir Rescue Helicopter of a 75km stretch of coastline and nearby islands in good search conditions, however, the man was not located.
After consultation with the man’s family, the decision was made to suspend the search.
Police would like to thank emergency service personnel and volunteers for their assistance during this time.
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