Residents warned to lock up after multiple vehicle thefts


Karlie Brady


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Police are seeking public information after three vehicles were stolen in the Mossman and Port Douglas areas over the last five days.

Yesterday morning a blue Toyota Camry was reported missing, stolen from Middlemiss Street in Mossman.

The vehicle’s owner, Kristen Nicholson, said she noticed her car was missing at 6:30am on Monday.

“They (the perpetrator) went into the unlocked external laundry and that is where they found my car keys,” Ms Nicholson said.

CCTV footage from South Mossman Service Station showed the vehicle going past at 2:13am turning onto Quaid Street.

Ms Nicholson’s vehicle was located in the Gymnastic club’s car park on Mill Street in Mossman last night, but the keys have yet to be found.

“But there was another car’s key in my car,” she said.

Police have also confirmed two other cars were stolen in the region on January 9.

A pink Toyota Camry, registration 156JQU, was stolen from White Oak Avenue in Mossman, with car keys taken after the perpetrator forced entry to the home.

A Silver Toyota Kluger, registration 015RCM, was stolen from Garrick Street in Port Douglas with the car keys taken from the property after entry was gained to the unit via an unlocked door.

It is not known if the thefts are related. 

Police said they would like to remind all residents to ensure valuables are removed from vehicles and are left locked and to make sure homes are secured and car keys are left in a safe place out of plain view.

Anyone with information regarding the location of these vehicles is urged to contact their local police on 131444 or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

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