Police seek assistance for missing man



Last updated:

Peter Ah Mat, who has been missing since December 31. Image: Supplied.

Police are seeking public assistance to help locate a 49-year-old man who was reported missing on December 31.

Peter Ah Mat was last seen at a York Downs cattle station approximately 40 kilometres from Weipa on December 9 around 10am.

It is believed Peter intended to travel back to Weipa that day (December 9), however, his vehicle was located parked just off Peninsula Development Road at Myall Creek on December 31.

A missing person report was made shortly after and police conducted a four-day extensive land search of the surrounding areas.

Police and family hold concerns for Peter’s welfare as he hasn’t been seen or heard from.

Peter is described as Aboriginal, about 170cm tall, muscular build, dark brown hair and brown eyes.

He was last seen wearing a light-coloured singlet, shorts and thongs.

Investigations have indicated that Peter has connections in both Townsville and Weipa and could be travelling to those areas via unknown means.

Anyone who may have seen Peter or has any information on his whereabouts is urged to contact police.

If you have information for police, contact Policelink on 131 444 or provide information using the online form 24hrs per day.

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