Police officers assist kids bring lemons to life
As our fellow Australians down south in NSW and Victoria are facing what can only be described as an apocalyptic fire event, the rest of Australia is coming together and doing their part to help out in any way possible.
While patrolling around the Port Douglas area, Constables Hannah Mulholland Matt Cornish came across two charitable young boys who wanted to raise some hard earned money to send down to our neighbouring states in need.
Larelle Rielly’s two sons have been asking a lot of questions at the moment regarding the bush fires that have swept the country. The biggest question has of course been: “How can we help?”
The boys did some solid brain storming before the obvious idea came to mind.
What do North Queenslander’s love to do in the summer months? Enjoy a cool refreshing drink of course!
With the help of their mother, the two boys set up a table, umbrella, handwritten signs and of course an esky full of icy cold lemonade.
“We met with the boys and sampled some of their produce. After a simply magical drop an idea came to mind,” said the police officers.
With all things, exposure is the key so with the police on side, the boys moved their stall to the main road of Port Douglas, to a nice shady place under the palm trees of Port Douglas Road.
The police also decided this would be the perfect place to set up a road side breath testing site.
The drivers were waved in for breath tests and license checks and once in the clear, they were greeted by young Jack, Will and their lemonade stand.
Over a period of 45 minutes, Jack and Will served up their sweet beverages to over 50 thirsty drivers before their supply ran dry.
Over this time, the boys managed to raise a total of $380 which they have pledged to donate to a charity of choice supporting the victims of the Australian Bush fires.
Throughout their careers, police often attend scenes of tragedy and horror, however, when the opportunity arises they love nothing more than to step outside the box and help the community in any way possible.
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