Noli confirms she will seek re-election
In what has been expected for some time, Deputy Mayor and Councillor Abigail Noli today confirmed that she would be seeking re-election as a councillor in the Douglas Shire’s local government election on Saturday March 28.
In a list that continues to grow, those bidding for a seat in Council Chambers now includes incumbent Councillor Roy Zammattaro, Natalie Johnson, Lisa Scomazzon, former Councillor Bruce Clarke, Kym Rowley, Peter McKeown and Steve Cruickshank.
Of the other incumbent councillors, David Carey has yet to commit; while Michael Kerr is challenging Mayor Julia Leu, who will be seeking a third term.
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In a lengthy statement to Newsport today, Clr Noli said that she would like to formally announce her candidacy for the position as Councillor in the upcoming Douglas elections.
“I suppose it is not a surprise to anyone, but I would like to take the opportunity to say a few words about what being a Councillor means to me.
“My desire in this position is to lay the foundations or to give to you the tools to allow you to live your good life, your best life. My job is not to choose what that may be for you, we are all individuals and we have our unique likes and dislikes. Your best life is for you to choose and I must try to assist that process,” she said.
Clr Noli said there are 12K + of unique individual combinations of what ‘the best life’ entails.
“I have to make strategic decisions as to how to balance these needs and desires and combine them with the essential services that a council must provide. It has to be done within a multitude of constraints: economic, regulatory, time, resources, governance compliance etc. A challenging but rewarding task.
“In my belief, a councillor needs to be a strategist with an ability to understand the past, see clearly the present and work towards the best future. A councillor needs to construct building blocks, the foundation, so that as time progresses, the real communities’ needs, wants and desires are adequately and sustainably met through solid decisions.
“A future needs to be built today to ensure that everyone gets (at least) a shot at living their best life.”
She said a councillor must have a true love and an innate understanding of the area combined with an unwavering desire to ONLY do good for Douglas. There can be no ulterior motives for this position because it will ultimately destroy our piece of paradise.
“This is how I am doing the job and why I want to continue to do this job. I love it here, this is my birthplace and my home and I have a genuine need to make sure it is treasured, guarded, nurtured and preserved for the present and going into the future, well beyond any tenure I might have as a councillor.
“Douglas is in my blood, literally. Decisions that I make are based on me knowing the area intimately and desiring a balanced encompassing future.
“Integrity, honesty, no ulterior motives are my personal characteristics that I bring to this position,” she said.
Clr Noli says she has explained how she has and will continue with this position.
“I have explained to you why I wish to continue with this position and now I hope my reasoning aligns with yours so that I can continue in this position. Strategic decision-making, assisting you to live your best life.”
The following are the key dates for potential candidates and voters. If you want to register to vote or change your details you will need to do this by Friday 28 February 2020.
Key dates:
• Notice of election: Saturday 22 February 2020
• Close candidate nominations: 12pm Tuesday 3 March 2020
• Ballot draw: 10am Wednesday 4 March 2020
• Pre-polling booths: To be Advised (estimated 16-27 March 2020)
• Election (Polling) Day: Saturday 28 March 2020 (8am – 6pm)
• Cut-off for return of Postal votes: Tuesday 7 April 2020
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