Newell beach takeaway launches fundraiser

Douglas Shire businesses are continuing to come to the fore to raise funds for those hit by the devastating bushfires with The Newell Beach Takeaway the latest to join the growing list.
Peter Capp and partner Lisa Scomazzon will be hosting a fundraising sausage sizzle in conjunction with the Mossman CWA on 18 and 19 January for the Fire Disasters Appeal.
It will be held at the Newell Beach Takeaway, 42 Marine Parade, Newell Beach.
“In addition, Newell Beach Takeaway, from 10 January until the end of January, will be donating $2 for every piece of fish bought. For those who do not eat fish, we will be donating $2 for every hamburger sold.
“We have already started collecting donations for the fire appeal and customers are giving generously which is much appreciated,” the couple said.
All in-store donations will be given to the Mossman CWA to disperse to the Fire Appeal.
“We are happy to be working with the Mossman CWA once again in a fundraising event. Last year we raised much needed funds for the drought appeal and we thank those who have donated to this worthy cause. The funds will benefit people in need.”
Paws and Claws, the Port Douglas Yacht Club, Paddy’s and Rattle n Hum are among some of the many businesses in town who have organised fundraisers.
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