Missing man may have been actively avoiding rescue


Karlie Brady


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Milan Lemic was found after three weeks missing; Inspector Fitzpatrick said he may have been avoiding rescue. Images Supplied.

The Victorian Man, who was missing in the Daintree area for more than three weeks, may have been hiding and actively avoiding police.

Milan Lemic, 29, was located by Police around 6:00pm Monday on the Creb Track north of the Daintree village physically dishevelled but in relatively good condition considering he had been in the rain forest for weeks.

Mr Lemic was reported missing on 23 December after he walked away from his bogged ute at Bairds Crossing, Upper Daintree. 

- Man missing in Daintree for three weeks found
- Possible sighting of missing man in Daintree as search comes to an end
- Police search underway for man missing in Daintree

Police Inspector Denis Fitzpatrick said police had suspicions surrounding his disappearance and “cannot confirm that this was a remarkable story of survival.”

“It could well be a case of active avoidance for some time from police and other authorities like the SES who have volunteered their time, their effort, and their energy to try and locate this person,” he said.

Inspector Fitzpatrick said the police involved in the search had serious concerns for Mr Lemic’s mental stability and he has been moved to a safe place to recover.

Police will now investigate if Mr Lemic was assisted by anyone while he was missing.

“That is a firm possibility and that will be a tangent of investigation to explain his survivability and level of health in these conditions for well over three weeks,” Inspector Fitzpatrick said.

On Boxing day, Police said there was "an unconfirmed but credible possible sighting" of Mr Lemic in Pioneer Park, Daintree Village.

At the time the man was in the company of a short in stature Aboriginal man and was picking mangoes from a large tree. 

Inspector Fitzpatrick said that the 29-year-old had not told them a lot about his disappearance at this time, and they will wait until his condition improved to confirm his version.

He added Mr Lemic was found after a motorcycle rider sighted him on the Creb Track and reported it to police who subsequently were able to locate the man.

“He did not try to run away from police, he was assisting an obliging.

“It is a good result for the family. They are very happy and overwhelmed that he has been located,” Inspector Fitzpatrick said.

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