Mayoral challenger Kerr shows his hand to Douglas

Characterising it ‘showing his hand and heart to Douglas’, Mayoral candidate and Councillor Michael Kerr said today “transparency, a better future and being a mayor for the people” lie at the heart of why he is challenging incumbent Mayor Julia Leu at the local government election on 28 March.
And in doing so, Clr Kerr outlined the following 10 issues he feels the shire faces which he will address if successful:
- A transparent and consultative council
- Water security for now and tomorrow
- Strong, steady, sustainable growth
- A shire connected by safe and sound roads
- A green, lush region proudly protective of its parks, gardens, streetscapes and natural beauty
- Community consultation on climate change and carbon emissions policy
- Accountable and responsible yearly rates revision
- Becoming Australia’s leading tourism destination
- A whole-of-council cohesive strategic planning process
- Caring for our aging population.
- Strong, confident leadership key as Michael Kerr launches mayoral challenge
In launching his website, which articulates his platform, his vision and priorities, Kerr said it is time for Council to start being a local Council again and concentrate on what the ratepayers believe are important.
“Water security, transparent Council, fair rates, roads, parks, declining economy and reigniting tourism are all high on my agenda,” he said.
However, it’s his passion and political dream for a better, more prosperous shire that he wants to be realised more than anything else.
Clr Kerr has gone to great lengths (on his website) to provide an insight into who he is.
True to his bid for transparency and openness, the site also sets out to dispel what he refers to as “Myths, Lies & Gossip”.
“In a world of social media, the truth can often get exaggerated or stretched, so as I hear stories that are just not true, I will post them on this section of my website.”
Clr Kerr will hold a series of “meet the candidate” events across the shire in the lead up to the election.
“As a resident in this shire, I want to be a mayor for the people, accountable to them and always able to address their needs and concerns.
“It’s important to me that they feel they can connect with me,” said Kerr, who is looking forward to engaging with as many voters as possible prior to the election.
Meanwhile, no new names have been added to those bidding for a councillor position in Council Chambers.
Currently incumbent Councillors Roy Zammattaro and Abigail Noli, who is also Deputy Mayor, Natalie Johnson, Lisa Scomazzon, Kym Rowley, Peter McKeown, Steve Cruickshank and former Councillor Bruce Clarke have announced they will be running.
Of the other incumbent councillors, David Carey has yet to commit.
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