Man missing in Daintree for three weeks found

Victorian man, Milan Lemic, who has been missing in the Daintree area for more than three weeks has been found safe and well.
The 29-year-old was located on the Creb Track late yesterday afternoon by police.
Police confirmed he was in good physical condition considering he had been in the rain forest for weeks.
Mr Lemic reportedly ate berries and fruit to survive.
- Missing man’s mother makes emotional plea
- Possible sighting of missing man in Daintree as search comes to an end
- Police search underway for man missing in Daintree
Mr Lemic was reported missing from the Upper Daintree on December 23, after he bogged his ute at Bairds Crossing.
A member of the public stopped to help Mr Lemic, but when the member of the public returned with a tractor sometime later and pulled the vehicle out, Mr Lemic was unable to be located.
Police and SES immediately launched extensive searches of the area to locate the man with initial concerns he may have been taken by a crocodile.
On Boxing day, police said there had been "an unconfirmed but credible possible sighting" of Mr Lemic in Pioneer Park, Daintree Village.
Police have thanked all volunteers who gave their time over Christmas to help search for the man.
Last week, Mr Lemic’s mother, Yana Lemic, who had travelled from Victoria, recorded a public appeal for information regarding her son’s location.
“Milan your family loves and misses you very much, please just let us know you are okay,” she said in the recording.
“We are so incredibly thankful for everyone who has helped in the search for Milan,” Ms Lemic said.
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