King tides to hit the coast but rain to ease

Douglas Shire residents are warned to be aware of king tides predicted to impact the coast late this week into early next week.
The Bureau of Meteorology has forecast the large tides to affect coastal areas from Thursday, 6 February until Wednesday, 12 February.
King tides are expected to peak at 3.24 metres on Sunday and Monday mornings.
The Douglas Local Disaster Management Group would like to remind people that low-lying areas and roads, particularly around Mowbray Street in Port Douglas, will be impacted.
At this stage, little rain is forecast, sparing the region from amplifying any impacts the king tide may bring.
See the highest forecast tides below:
- 2.81m at 7:32 am on Thursday 6 February
- 3.00 m at 8:07 am on Friday 7 February
- 3.15 m at 8:44 am on Saturday 8 February
- 3.24 m at 9:22 am on Sunday 9 February
- 3.24 m at 10:02 am on Monday 10 February
- 3.13 m at 10:42 am on Tuesday 11 February
- 2.93 m at 11:25 am on Wednesday 12 February
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