Paws and Claws donates to fire cause


The Paws and Claws Refuge and Boarding Centre, which provides assistance to homeless and neglected domesticated animals, has responded to the country’s devastating fires by making a donation to the Wildlife Information, Rescue and Education Service (WIRES).

The organisation’s president, Michael Kerr, confirmed today that a donation of $1,320 would be sent to WIRES.

“As an animal welfare group, the committee felt at this time that money, which has recently been donated at the collection points around Douglas Shire, would be better utilised by an animal rescue association that is caring for desperate animals in need of care.

“The donation boxes were emptied last week and a donation of $1320 will be sent to the Wildlife Information, Rescue and Education Service.

“The donation boxes will continue to raise funds for this charity for the next month, when we will send another donation with the collected funds to WIRES,” said Kerr.

Kerr said as we are all aware, the tragic fires that are occurring in the south of our country have had a devastating effect on not only the human population, but also the animal wildlife that has been at best case scenario displaced and, in most cases, injured.

“It is a horrific time for many and we can only hope that this small contribution will assist in rescuing native animals that have suffered through these tragic circumstances.”

Kerr said Paws and Claws had been supported at crucial times and felt this was their turn to respond to a needy clause.

“We wanted to do whatever we could and based on how much is collected in January, we will forward that money to WIRES.

“There are millions of animals that have died and need to be rescued and we want to help as best we can,” said Kerr.

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