Funding for Port Douglas primary

Port Douglas State School P&C is one of 10 organisations announced yesterday that has been awarded $2,640 funding under the federal government’s Stronger Communities Program – Round Five.
The announcement was made by the Federal Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch as part of the government’s commitment to deliver social benefits in communities across Far North Queensland.
Grants to fund small capital projects of between $2,500 and $20,000 were available under the program with the grant amount up to 50 per cent of eligible project costs.
Successful organisations include:
Port Douglas Primary P&C: $2,640
Crime Stoppers Queensland (Cairns and Cape York): $20,000
St Vincent de Paul Society Woree:$10,000
Surf Lifesaving Queensland – North Queensland Branch: $14,000
Mareeba Shire Council: $20,000
Lakeland Horse Sports Association: $10,800
Torres Strait Island Regional Council: $10,000
Endeavour Foundation: $11,000
Barron Trinity Sports Club: $7,000
Queensland State Emergency Service – Kuranda: $3,000
Mr Entsch said the 10 successful projects would deliver enormous benefits to their respective communities.
“These investments in vital local infrastructure for communities across Far North Queensland are the sort of projects that bring our communities together, strengthen social connections, build community participation and create vibrant and viable communities into the future,” he said.
“Our local communities are the heart of our region and these investments in local projects is about invigorating these communities and ensuring their continued success.”
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