Funding boost for Mossman Gorge community
Mossman Gorge is one of five Aboriginal communities who will benefit after the Queensland and Federal governments reached an agreement that supports the continued operations of the Families Responsibilities Commission (FRC) in Aboriginal communities in the state’s far north.
The Queensland Government has committed $5.7 million over two and a half years to fund the operations of the FRC in the communities of Aurukun, Coen, Doomadgee, Hope Vale and Mossman Gorge to mid-2021.
Deputy Premier, Treasurer and Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships Jackie Trad said the Memorandum of Understanding negotiated between the Queensland Government, Federal Government and Family Responsibilities Commission ensured the Commission’s continuing role in Welfare Reform communities.
“This Memorandum of Understanding; and appointment of new Commissioner Tammy Williams and 29 Local Commissioners earlier this year, demonstrates the Queensland Government’s commitment to the continued operation of the Commission.
“Local Commissioners are respected leaders in their communities and this funding certainty will allow them to continue to focus on the important work of service delivery into these communities,” said Ms Trad.
She said the agreement followed a history of collaboration between governments, communities and local leaders.
“The Welfare Reform partners, State and Commonwealth Governments and Cape York Institute, have been working together since 2016 in consultation with the five communities to evolve the FRC to better meet community needs and priorities,” she said.
“This process will continue over the term of the Memorandum of Understanding as the partners undertake further community engagement with the communities to co-design an evolved FRC model.
“The Queensland Government will continue to work closely with Local Commissioners to deliver on our commitment to reframe the relationship with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Queenslanders.
“This process will be part of the Queensland Government’s commitment under the Local Thriving Communities initiative to work in genuine partnership with individual Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities to identify and implement workable solutions tailored to the priorities, goals and leadership structures in each community.”
Local Thriving Communities is delivering the Queensland Government’s response to the recommendations of the Queensland Productivity Commission’s inquiry into service delivery in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
The FRC is an independent statutory body established under the Family Responsibilities Commission Act 2008 in July 2008.
Its objectives are to restore social norms, re-establish local Indigenous authority, enable engagement in the economy and increase home ownership.
The FRC is co-funded by the Queensland and Commonwealth Governments and has been operating in the Cape York communities of Aurukun, Coen, Hope Vale and Mossman Gorge since July 2008.
The FRC has operated in Doomadgee since 2014, where it is funded solely by the Queensland Government.
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