Flood warning issued after heavy night of rain

River levels have eased in the Daintree and Mossman Rivers.
Showers and thunderstorms that brought heavy rainfall to the catchment area early Thursday morning have now eased. Further showers and thunderstorms are possible this evening and overnight.
It has been a wet morning across the Douglas Shire with slow-moving thunderstorms bringing heavy rainfall to the region sparking an initial minor flood warning for the Daintree River.
100mm of rain was recorded at Whyanbeel Creek since Wednesday 9.00am with 30 mm in 10 minutes up to 3am this morning.
The Bureau of Meteorology said minor flood levels are expected at Daintree Village during Thursday morning with showers and thunderstorm activity across the Daintree and Mossman catchments overnight producing river level rises. This activity is expected to continue for the next few hours with higher levels possible.
At 6:45am the Bureau of Meteorology confirmed the Daintree River at Daintree Village was at 3.40 metres and rising.
The river level at Daintree Village is expected to exceed the minor flood level (4.00 m) Thursday morning. River levels above the moderate flood level (6.00 m) are not expected at this stage.
According to the Douglas Shire Council’s Douglas Dashboard, several roads in the region are still closed, however as conditions ease this may change.
- Bloomfield Track - CLOSED
- Mossman Mt Molloy Road at Bushy Creek – CLOSED
If it’s flooded, forget it.
For flood emergency assistance contact the SES on 132 500. For life-threatening emergencies, call Triple Zero (000) immediately.
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