Errol Eastman’s loss will be felt by many
Long-time Port Douglas residents, business associates and members of the Crocs football club are mourning the loss of Errol Eastman who has died after battling cancer in the Clare Valley, South Australia.
A stalwart of the Port Douglas Crocs AFL Club since its founding in 1989, Eastman was a major sponsor of the club and thanks to his unrivalled generosity assisted many people.
“I knew him for more than 30 years and he will be long remembered as an outstanding individual. He was incredibly generous and as the once owner of a supermarket, he donated food and cash to the club,” said Andy Smith, a founder member and past president of the football club.
“He would also go out of his way to assist anyone who was new to town. If it was mentioned that someone had just moved to Port Douglas, he would say ‘tell them to come and see me’, and he would invariably help in whatever way he could.”
Eastman also ran the Julatten Tavern – where he hosted the football team – and he also had a cigar shop at the Marina.
“He was a jovial, super bloke whose eyes would light up when you talked footie. He injected life into Port Douglas. He was that kind of a guy,” said Smith.
In recent times, Janece Peters and Errol moved to the Clare Valley from Port Douglas to manage the Clare Valley Motel.
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