Digital badges available for Tourism & Business Award winners
Organisers of the Douglas Business &Tourism Awards have announced that 2019 winners, runners up, and finalists can now access badges which can be used by businesses to promote the achievement.
The 2019 Douglas Business & Tourism Award badges can be downloaded online and can only be used by a business who received this recognition in 2019.
Douglas Business & Tourism Award organiser Sam Cullen said the badges are perfect for businesses to use on their websites.
“While winners and runners up receive certificates which they can display in their businesses, we have found people want to be able to display the award on their online platforms,” he said.
“This digital award allows them to do just that and also gives finalists something to use to display their recognition as well.”
The annual Douglas Business & Tourism Awards recognise business excellence in the Douglas Shire. The 2019 awards were held on December 6, see the full list of winners here.
The badges can be downloaded in web and PDF forms here, conditions apply.
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