Council votes in favour of banning glyphosate
Douglas Shire Councillors today voted at Council’s opening meeting in favour of banning the use of glyphosate in popular areas across the Shire and place a stronger emphasis on using chemical-free alternatives.
The Glyphosate Reduction Strategy, which is a 2019-20 Operational Plan initiative, directs Council staff to use organic herbicides and mechanical methods, such as hand removal and brush cutting, for weed removal during grounds maintenance.
The ban extends to 133 parcels of open spaces land including playgrounds, areas near schools or childcare facilities, footpaths in CBD and retail areas and sensitive areas north of the Daintree River.
Douglas Shire Council Mayor Julia Leu said the strategy strengthened the organisation’s current efforts to move away from glyphosate.
“Council is acting on serious concerns about the use of glyphosate in public areas by building on the measures we have been working with since 2013,” she said.
“For many years, our crews have been trialling different methods, from flame weeding to steam weeding to organic herbicides, in a bid to shift the organisation’s reliance away from glyphosate.
“This strategy builds on the glyphosate ban we introduced north of the Daintree River and at playgrounds in previous years, as well as further encouraging investment in steam weeding technology for use in sensitive areas.”
Council will also increase health monitoring where there is a significant risk and introduce fit testing, tight-fitting respirators for each worker as required.
The Open Spaces team maintains 2257 hectares of green space.
Local Councils around Australia are banning the use of glyphosate, phasing it out or conducting reviews of its use because of health and safety concerns.
Glyphosate will only be used when it is necessary to fulfil Council’s biosecurity obligations.
Glyphosate is a broad-spectrum herbicide that works by inhibiting an enzyme found in plants; this enzyme is not found in humans. There are around 500 products containing glyphosate registered for use in Australia. Glyphosate has been registered for use in Australia for over 40 years.
In the Douglas Shire:
• Glyphosate is banned for use at all playgrounds, areas near schools or child care facilities.
• Glyphosate is banned for use on footpaths in CBD zones and retail areas
• Glyphosate is not to be used in sensitive areas north of the Daintree River wherever possible (Does not include biosecurity tasks)
• Selective herbicides (non-glyphosate products) are to be used on a case by case site specific basis
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