Calling all ballers: netball is back

Netball is back in 2020 and the Douglas Netball Association is calling on all netball lovers to come and give it a go with pre-season training about to get underway.
Douglas Netball President Sharon Beechey said pre-season strength and conditioning training is open to everyone who wants to get involved.
“Pre-season is about getting everyone’s fitness levels up after a long break and is run in fun sessions with all the teams training together,” she said.
“This is a perfect opportunity to get back into the swing of things and for all new players to jump in and find a team early.”
The pre-season sessions will begin on 4 February and run until the 25 February on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s with a junior class from 4:30-5:30pm and a senior class from 5:30-6:30pm at Saint Augustine’s School in Mossman.
From 3 March pre-season will switch from fitness to gameplay with Douglas Netball running Come & Try friendly matches at the Mossman Indoor Sports Centre.
“Again, this is open to anybody even if you have never played before, it is free so just come for a game and see if you like it.”
“We are taking team and individual nominations, so if you don’t have a team it’s no problem, we will help you find one,” Ms Beechey said.
The official 2020 season will begin after Easter and run through until finals in September at the Port Douglas Sporting Complex.
“Netball is a really great way to make friends and get fit, and we have part payments for our fees to make it easier for everyone to get involved,” Ms Beechey said.
She added that eligible children aged 5–17 can apply online for $150 vouchers to help pay for sport fees through the Queensland Government’s Fair Play program making netball even more affordable for everyone.
Doulas Netball is also calling for more people to join the committee in order for the season to run smoothly, with a number of positions currently vacant.
For more information or to get involved head to Douglas Netball Association.
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