Australia Day Award nominees announced



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Last year's Douglas Shire Citizen of the Year, Jo Dau, presented by Mayor Julia Leu. Image: Supplied.

The nominations for the Douglas Shire 2020 Australia Day Awards have been announced.

Twenty-five extraordinary locals have been nominated across seven categories that recognise those who have gone above and beyond for the community in the past year.

The seven winners will be announced on 26 January at a ceremony at the Port Douglas Community Hall.

Australia Day Award Nominees:

- Evelyn Davey                                                  

- Gayle Healey

- Jill Chism

- Unity Beitzel

- Joy Scomazzon

- Ethan Crees

- Brad Cooper

- Rebecca Ives

- Greg Mill  

- Couper Smith

- Craig Mitchell    

- Tkoda Hewett

- Michael Gabour  

- Sylvia Bellero

- Caitlin O’Neil Nulty

- Ryder Smith

- Karen Renouf-Thomas                       

- Brydie Maro

- Heath Barry

- Stephen Hull

- Leonie Phillips 

- Andreas Schmidt

- Frieda Van Aller

- Gwyneth Dowell

- Elizabeth Green 

The awards will follow a citizenship ceremony which will see 28 new Australians welcomed to the Douglas Shire. A free BBQ breakfast will also be provided for those who attend.

Douglas Shire Mayor Julia Leu said the awards are a fantastic opportunity to celebrate our local champions.

“Council is inviting people across Douglas Shire to grab some free breakfast and celebrate our award winners and welcome our new citizens,” she said.

“We are tipping a large turnout with families and friends expected to pack the community hall for this special day.

“The opportunity to welcome new citizens to our region and celebrate people whose community work really binds Douglas Shire together is a real privilege.”

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, about 20% of the population in Douglas Shire was born overseas.

Event Details:

7:30am– Free BBQ breakfast
9:30am – Citizenship Ceremony
10:00am – Australia Day Awards

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