Another memorable year for Music with Joanne

Music with Joanne Trewick recently celebrated its 2019 Recital and Awards presentation for its music students following another year where high honours were achieved.
Joanne, who has been teaching music for more than 25 years, said among the highlights of the year was a visit to the local aged care facilities in the last few weeks where the young musicians entertained their guests.
“As for the recital, we had a Junior Recital for kids in kindy to Grade 4 and a Senior Recital for kids Grade 5 and up.
“They all played solos on the instruments which I teach: piano, flute, violin, voice and trumpet,” said Joanne.

“We also had an awards presentation where all our exam/audition/eisteddfod students were recognised; along with winners of the Flying Start/ Young Excellence/Ensemblist of the year/Musicianship Award and Honours Award trophies.
“In between the awards we had all our ensembles – from duets through to a full studio choir – present items as well,” said Joanne.
Music with Joanne Trewick is a vibrant studio offering individual music lessons tailored to personal learning requirements and interests. Exam, competition and audition preparation is available for students wishing to take this path.

All ages and levels of experience are welcome, from beginners through to players seeking to advance their established skills.
Over the years, its students have enjoyed success at the Cairns and District Junior Eisteddfod, in Australian Music Examination Board instrumental exams and in Trinity College of London instrumental exams.
Many past students have gone onto become professional musicians, community musicians or music teachers.
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