All beaches closed after horror weekend of stings

Four Mile Beach along with all Cairns beaches remain closed after a horror weekend of Irukandji stings.
A 27-year-old woman was reportedly taken to hospital after being stung at Four Mile Beach on Saturday.
This incident comes after the beach was closed on Friday when an Irukandji was found inside the net during routine net drags. Drags on Saturday morning revealed no signs of stingers, so the beach was reopened.
Cairns and Hinterland Hospital and Health Service said they treated eight people over the weekend for marine stings, with a sixty-year-old man still recovering in a stable condition in Cairns Hospital today.
Surf Life Saving North Queensland regional manager, Rob Davidson, said he is aware of three Irukandji stings on Friday; one at Kewarra Beach and two at Palm Cove, with the second occurring after the beach was closed.
“It’s a timely reminder to please heed the signage, the person stung at Palm Cove on Friday night walked past the signs and got stung,” Mr Davidson said.
He added that there were also stings at Trinity Beach and outside the net at Palm Cove on Saturday.
A man was also airlifted to Cairns Hospital from Double Island at 11:30 last night after being stung.
“All beaches in the area are shut and potentially will remain shut until we see a change in the weather,” Mr Davidson said.
“The forecast is the same for the rest of the week and we are looking for a change in conditions.
“Calm hot water and northerly winds seams to bring them in,” he said.
Mr Davidson said that it is the middle of the high-risk season for marine stingers and people need to exercise caution.
“Anyone involved in marine activity including cast netting is at risk, stay out of the water until the risk is reduced or if you’re out at the reef wear a stinger suit,” he said.
Surf Life Saving Queensland advise anyone stung in tropical waters to apply liberal amounts of vinegar onto the area for 30 seconds. Vinegar is available at most beaches and lifeguard stations, then seek medical advice.
Beach closures and openings can be monitored via Beach Reports.
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