A playground revival for the Douglas Shire



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Playgrounds across the Douglas Shire are set to be refreshed in an effort to get kids outdoors. Image: Supplied.

Ten popular playgrounds around the Douglas Shire are set for an upgrade.

The announcement comes after Douglas Shire Council awarded the Playground Renewal tender for the supply and installation of new play equipment and rubber soft fall surfacing earlier this week.

Works on the $525,000 playground upgrades, part of a $52 million capital works program, is expected to start in March and be completed by the end of June 2020.

Douglas Shire Mayor Julia Leu said the upgrades are designed to help get children outdoors.

“Council identified high-priority playgrounds for upgrades from Cape Tribulation to Craiglie and we look forward to seeing local children swinging and sliding on the new equipment,” she said.

“These upgrades include new rubber soft fall areas, swing sets and play units to help further activate these fantastic recreational areas for everyone’s enjoyment.”

In a separate project, community consultation will begin shortly on the Newell Beach foreshore and Phil Lunn Park upgrades after a design contract was awarded to LA3 Pty Ltd in December last year.

The objective of this project is to activate the park through improving layout, function and safety.

Council’s Sport and Recreation Officer Renee Ker said playgrounds play an important role in keeping kids active and developing their balancing skills, coordination and strength.

“Playgrounds also give children the opportunity to test their perception, motor skills and spatial awareness,” she said.

“In a world where children are spending a great deal of their day sitting at a desk, watching TV and playing on an iPad, a playground plays a welcome role in drawing kids outdoors and having fun; whilst supporting healthy mind and body development.”

Playgrounds set to be upgraded are:

Port Douglas and Craiglie

- Millman Drive Reserve

  • New rubber soft fall
  • New main play unit
  • New swing set

- Rex Smeal Park

  • New swing set
  • New rubber soft fall around new swing set only

- Bruno Reidwig Park

  • New junior play unit
  • New rubber soft fall around the junior play area only


- Forest Glen

  • New main play unit
  • New rubber soft fall around the main play unit and swing set

- George Davis Park

  • New junior play unit
  • New rubber soft fall around new junior play unit

Cooya Beach

- Lou Prince Park

  • New climbing unit
  • New rubber soft fall around the new climbing unit

- Cooya Esplanade South

  • New swing set
  • New rubber soft fall around the main play unit and swing set

Wonga Beach

- Wonga Community Park

  • New rubber soft fall around the main play unit and swing set

- Bells Park

  • New swing set
  • New rubber soft fall around the main play unit and swing set

Cape Tribulation

- Cape Tribulation Playground

  • New play unit
  • New rubber soft fall around the new main play unit and other existing fixtures.

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