Wonga Beach man charged with 42 offences

A 22-year-old Wonga Beach man was arrested at Trinity Beach yesterday and charged with 42 offences.
The man allegedly crashed a stolen vehicle at Trinity Beach just before midday and fled the scene on foot.
Police attended a Moore Street address where the man was taken into custody after he was located hiding in a cupboard.
Detectives will allege the man was the subject of investigations into a number of property offences committed between Edmonton and Cooktown from 6 January through to yesterday (4 February).
Cairns Property Crime Squad officers charged the man with a total of 42 offences comprising of 23 counts of burglary, 11 counts of unlawful use of motor vehicles and four counts each of stealing, as well as entering premises and stealing.
He is due to appear in the Cairns Magistrates Court today.
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