Win tickets to Port Douglas Hot and Steamy Festival

The inaugural Port Douglas Hot and Steamy Festival is just two days away and Newsport readers are in with the chance to win tickets to the hottest party of the year.
Two tickets to the Hello Sailor! Party at the Yacht Club on Saturday night are up for grabs.
To enter simply comment the codeword “PARTY” in the Newsport Disqus comment section below.
The LGBTQI festival is set to be one huge party and a first of its kind in Port Douglas running from this Friday 14 to Monday 17 February.
- Millie Minogue to headline Port Douglas’ Hot and Steamy Festival
Festival Director, Nathan Clarke said gay, lesbian, or straight, everyone is welcome to join in the fun.
“Hot & Steamy is, quite literally, heating up and we’re really looking forward to this weekend,” he said.
Festivities will kick off on Friday with a long lunch at Salsa, followed by a T-Dance at the Sugar Wharf and an after-party at Jimmy Rums.
Saturday will feature the main dance party, Hello Sailor! at the Port Douglas Yacht Club as well as the Get Lei'd Luau, a cocktail and street food event at Zinc restaurant.
“Who doesn’t love a good dress-up event? Saturday night’s ‘Hello, Sailor’ party at the Port Douglas Yacht Club will no doubt be one of the highlights.
“We’ll have legendary Melbourne DJ Scott Anderson on tunes and Cairns diva Donna Perginonn DQ here to entertain the sailors and sailorettes,” Mr Clarke said.
Sunday’s events will start with a brunch at Choo Choos before festival-goers jump aboard the “queer train” with the historic Bally Hooley Steam Train decorated to suit the occasion, transporting everyone to the Soacked Pool Party at Niramaya where showgirl superstar Millie Minogue will entertain the crowds.
Monday, the fourth day of the festival has been left free and Mr Clarke said this was to allow visitors to go out and explore the region and hopefully bring a boost to the local economy during a traditionally quiet time.
Mr Clarke added that with over 53 per cent of tickets bought by people from outside the Douglas Shire, including 31 per cent from outside Queensland, the festival is bringing people to town who otherwise may not have been here.
“All suppliers, sponsors and venues have been extraordinary to work with in the leadup to this weekend, we couldn’t have asked for better local support. It’s really hot and certainly very steamy right now, so we hope to see many familiar faces and plenty of new ones over the weekend events,” Mr Clarke said.
To be in the running to win the Hello Sailor! Party tickets comment the code word "PARTY" in the Newsport Disqus comment section below.
The winner will be announced via Newsport on Friday, 14 February.
Tickets for all events and festival information is available at Port Douglas Hot and Steamy Festival.
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