VIDEO | Underwater photographer shares the beauty of the reef

The Great Barrier Reef is an integral part of the Douglas Shire and an underwater photographer who works on the reef every day has shared a video she created to show off its beauty.
Angelina Pilarinos works on Calypso Reef Cruises as a photographer and said she wanted to show this video to share a little good news.
“I’ve been thinking there’s a lot of negative press going on around Australia with the fires, coronavirus, and people thinking the reef is dead,” she said.
“This is just a happy video that shows the reef is still here and alive and hopefully when people watch the video it can bring a smile to their face and maybe inspire them to come to Port Douglas and see the reef for themselves.
See Angelina Pilarinos' Great Barrier Reef video filmed on Opal and Agincourt reefs below:
“I think in some situations a video can be stronger than seeing photos of the reef. I also hope that when people watch this video they will realize the Great Barrier Reef is worth fighting for and we should be protecting it,” she said.
Originally from New York, Ms Pilarinos moved to Port Douglas to pursue her love of underwater photography.
“Once I get into the water I feel at home, it's peaceful and relaxing and I love being able to see this whole new world.
“There is so much life at the reef and you never know what you are going to see, the corals here are some of the biggest and best I’ve ever seen.
“I have moments at work when I am in the water and then I just stop and look around and think wow, it just hits you and you realize how extraordinary the reef is. It’s an unexplainable feeling, but once you come out and see it for yourself it's hard not to fall in love,” she said.
Ms Pilarinos said she created the video for a competition and this is the first time she has tested her underwater video skills in this way.
“It was a personal challenge for me as I’ve been thinking about getting into underwater videography for a while now. I just needed a little motivation and I’m proud of what I created for a first try,” Ms Pilarinos said.
See more from Ms Pilarinos.
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