VIDEO | Holiday here is the message

Queensland’s latest domestic tourism campaign was launched yesterday to encourage Australians to holiday here this year.
The campaign was created to help combat the negative effects the recent Australian bushfires and the coronavirus are having on Queensland’s tourism sector and is aimed at encouraging Australians to get out and see their own back yard and support local business.
Yesterday’s launch comes on the back of Tourism Australia’s Holiday Here This Year campaign which was initiated late last month with the same purpose Australia wide.
A number of Far North tourism organisations feature in the campaign, including the Quicksilver Group, the Master Reef Guides, and the Kuranda Skyrail.
Managing Director of Quicksilver, Tony Baker, said Quicksilver was approached by Tourism Queensland to participate and said they were happy to help focus some attention on the region.
“It’s important because tourism has been going through a challenging time. Tourism Queensland is trying to be proactive to try and encourage people to come and visit,” he said.
See Queensland's Holiday Here This Year ad below:
Queensland Premier, Annastacia Palaszczuk, also announced Australian wildlife icon, Robert Irwin, will be spearheading this campaign.
“When times get tough, Queenslanders stand together. We’ve done it through fires and floods, now the coronavirus,” the Premier said.
“We need to tell Australians that Queensland remains open for business and we need to encourage them to spend their tourist dollars in our state.”
Tourism Industry Development Minister, Kate Jones, said it was great to have Robert on board.
“The Irwins are icons, particularly in the US. To have Robert backing in this campaign is invaluable,” she said.
"This campaign will make sure that Queensland is front-of-mind for millions of Australians looking to book a holiday.”
Ms Jones said Robert joined a long list of Queensland tourism operators in filming segments for the new video, which will be used across social platforms.
“One in 10 Queenslanders are employed in the tourism sector. We must work together to safeguard this industry.”
“We want Aussies to know that they don’t have to go overseas to have a great holiday,” she said.
The video features images from a range of iconic Queensland tourism attractions and businesses including:
• Skyrail Rainforest Cableway
• Quicksilver Group
• Ocean Rafting
• Magnetic Island
• Outback Aussie Tours
• Cape Hillsborough Sunrise Wallaby Experience
• Movie World
• Riverlife Brisbane
• Mon Repos Conservation Park
• The Calile Hotel Brisbane
• Jellurgal Aboriginal Cultural Centre
• Pyramids Road Wine
• Spicers Hidden Vale
• Ballandean Estate Wines
• Kingfisher Bay Resort
• Mount Barney Lodge
• Lady Elliott Island Eco Resort
See Tourism Australia's Holiday Here This Year ad below:
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