VALE | Enid Paris: Port Douglas’ postmistress

Much-loved Port Douglas character, Enid Paris, passed away peacefully on Monday 10 February, aged 80 years.
For 32 years Enid was the welcoming face of the Port Douglas Post Office of which she became postmistress after moving to the town in 1982 until her retirement in 2014.
In those earlier years, the Post Office was the centre of town frequented by many, so Enid is remembered well amongst the community, known for going out of her way to help people.
Enid's daughter, Christine Callander, said before the Post Office relocated from its Macrossan street location, it and Mocka’s pies would have competitions as to whose queue was the longest.
“Enid highly enjoyed her many years working there and witnessed many changes to the town, the decline in mail and the increase in parcel deliveries due to online shopping,” she said.
“Enid was originally employed by Australia Post as it was an unofficial Post Office and in the ensuing years, they changed it to a licenced Post Office, and she purchased the license and continued to operate it.”
Enid leaves behind four children; Michelle, Glenn, Joanne, and Christine, one grandchild, and one great-grandchild.
Family and friends are invited to attend a graveside service for Enid at the Port Douglas Cemetery on Friday 14 February commencing at 9.00am, followed by light refreshments at the Pullman Sea Temple.
In lieu of flowers, the family have said donations to Pink in the Tropics Support Group would be appreciated. A donation box will be available at the service.
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