The youth to have chance to have their say

Young Queenslanders, particularly from rural areas such as the Far North, can often feel like they have no say in some of the big decisions that affect their lives.
The Queensland Youth Engagement Panel (QYEP) aims to offset that by giving young Queenslanders the opportunities to inform decisions that affect them.
A key element of the Queensland Youth Strategy is ensuring young people can have their say in shaping relevant government policies, programs and projects. It also sets the vision and priorities for government in improving outcomes for young Queenslanders.
Member for Cook, Cynthia Lui MP, is calling on young people in her electorate to consider putting their name forward to be part of the Panel.
The Panel was established last year with the goal of ensuring young people are helping to shape and develop initiatives like Queensland Youth Week, health campaigns for young people, cyberbullying initiatives and the Youth Engagement Charter.
“It’s a dynamic group and I’d love to see a young person from the Cook electorate having a voice at this important forum,” Ms Lui said.
“If you are aged between 16 and 25 please consider putting your name forward. Our special experiences need to be heard at every opportunity. You will be supported to have your say and the group is very welcoming,” she said.
There are three vacancies available on the 11-strong panel which was established in 2019. Applications are now open and will close on Thursday 12 March 2020.
The panel meets 3 times a year face-to-face in Brisbane. Travel and accommodation costs to attend the meeting for young people outside of Brisbane will be covered.
For more information visit QYEP.
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