Sharks grant helps keep players on the field

The Mossman Port Douglas Senior Sharks have received a much-needed grant for essential equipment which will mean they can now afford to have an under 18 team play in the 2020 season.
Sharks President, Jason Sasano, said the club received a $4,625 grant which they will put towards new goal post protector pads.
“Our post pads were in extremely bad condition, almost to the point they were unsafe, and desperately needed replacing this year,” he said.
“The money that we were going to have to spend to replace them can now go to insurance to get players on the field.
“We have struggled with finances and insurance is very expensive, so in the past, we sometimes haven’t been able to run certain teams but the money we are saving now means that this year we will be able to put an under 18 team in the competition.”
Member for Cook, Cynthia Lui, visited the club and presented them with a cheque from the Gambling Community Benefit Fund (GCBF).
“I was thrilled to present the Mossman Port Douglas Sharks $4,625 to support the purchase of goal post protector pads. It was well-deserved funding accessed via the Gambling Community Benefit Fund (GCBF),” she said.
“Not-for-profit groups can apply for GCBF grants from $500 to $35,000 to enhance their capacity to provide services, leisure activities and opportunities for our communities.”
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