Raine & Horne claim back to back top office in QLD title

Raine & Horne Port Douglas & Mossman have received top honours for the second year in a row at the 2020 Raine & Horne Queensland Awards in Brisbane on Saturday night.
Raine & Horne Port Douglas & Mossman took first place as Raine & Horne’s Top Office (Number of Sales), selling more houses in the last year than other offices across the entire state.
Co-principals David Cotton and Travis Schumacher lead the Port Douglas outfit, which also finished runner-up in the Top Office (Dollar Value) division.
Mr Cotton attributes his team’s success to hard work and the influential culture at Raine & Horne Port Douglas & Mossman.
“We treat our staff well and make them feel part of the team. We are focused on rewarding our staff,” he said.
“We flew the entire team to Darwin for the Raine & Horne National Awards in 2017 and will send our two longest-serving team members to Bali for our network’s international conference in July. We recognise that our staff have contributed to our award-winning ways.”
Raine & Horne’s Charlie Madgwick, who was the 2018 Queensland Sales Rookie of the Year, also finished in the top ten in the salesperson categories for Dollar Value and Number of Sales at the awards and for her efforts was elevated into the Chairman’s Club.
Several members of the property management team at Raine & Horne Port Douglas, including co-principal Jocelyn Schumacher, Shanae Hardy, Amie McKay and Rochelle Miller also achieved Chairman’s Club status.
“Our property management department has grown in leaps and bounds under the watchful eye of Jocelyn. It’s a proactive and professional side of the business that attracts more business to our office.” Mr Cotton said.
General Manager of Raine & Horne, Steve Worrad, said he wasn’t surprised the Port Douglas office improved on its 2019 success.
“Travis and David work well as a team and have been operating in Port Douglas for a long time now. They are very professional in everything they do,” he said.
“Over the last five years, we have aggressively increased the size of our network in Queensland with more offices in Brisbane and across the state.
“So, it’s personally pleasing to see the success of David, Travis and the Port Douglas team, who have embraced our industry-best culture, systems such as Amplify and Digikit, and our training,” Mr Worrad said.
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