Pink in the Tropics holds support group

The Pink in the Tropics (PITT) breast cancer support group is holding its first get together for 2020 and is urging anyone affected by breast cancer to join in.
PITT is a breast cancer support group that aims to help people living in the Douglas Shire feel less isolated during their breast cancer journey.
PITT Secretary, Robyn Frahn, said the meeting will be on Saturday 29 February at Whileaway Book Shop and Café in Port Douglas at 9:30am.
“We want to reach out to the community and if anyone is going through or has been through breast cancer come along to our get together,” she said.
“Our Mission Statement for Pink in the Tropics is to support each other through friendship and sharing information in an atmosphere of care and compassion, laughter and fun.”
PITT was formed over ten years ago by a group of women living in the Douglas Shire who had been diagnosed with breast cancer and had undergone varying treatments who banded together for support.
Today the group not only offer women battling the disease emotional support but also organise services to make day-to-day life during a difficult time that little bit easier.
The services they organise include housekeeping, delivering fresh meals, gardening, babysitting, travel for doctors’ appointments and also flying family members in when needed.
This is the first of multiple events PITT holds throughout the year to support and raise money for locals with breast cancer.
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