Parma for Farmer appeal fundraising success

The Parma for Farmer appeal, initiated by Ramada Resort by Wyndham Port Douglas, has raised more than $1,000 for drought and bushfire-affected Australian farmers by donating money from every chicken parmigiana meal sold at the resort.
As part of the appeal, restaurants, bars and other venues around the country are being encouraged to donate a dollar from proceeds of every parmigiana meal to Rural Aid’s Buy a Bale initiative. Buy a Bale started in 2013 and supports drought and fire-affected farmers with fodder, financial assistance, water and counselling services.
Ramada Port Douglas’ 3Sixteen Bar & Bistro is one of the 421 venues across Australia – and the only one in Port Douglas – participating in the initiative.
“Australia’s vibrant regional communities are the fabric of our nation and are important economic contributors. This long-running drought and recent bushfires have devastated farmland and will continue to impact rural economies and regional communities well into the future,” said Resort Manager Nigel Warwick.
“We are proud to have raised more than $1,000 for farmers who need help by selling meals and through donations, and we intend to continue offering support into the future. Our diners have also welcomed the idea of supporting our farmers while enjoying an Aussie favourite.”
Parmy Night is held every Wednesday and Friday.
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