Newell Beach boat ramp design revealed

The Newell Beach boat ramp is one step closer after planning designs were released this week.
The Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) now moves into the community consultation stage of the process of the $3.2 million project.
The Member for Cook, Cynthia Lui, is encouraging all residents to take the opportunity to have their say on the proposed boat ramp design.
“This has been a complex process. Because the location has very high environmental values, we had to go through a consultation process with the Queensland Departments of Environment and Science; Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry; Natural Resources, Mines and Energy and the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority was also consulted. And those assessments have been rigorous and thorough,” she said.
A consultation meeting with key stakeholders was held on 29 January 2020 with the design viewed.

“Following the input from the stakeholder meeting, the design was adjusted to reposition the fixed walkway to the middle, with a boat ramp either side to increase the walkway accessibility during all tides.
“I want to thank those who took the time to participate in that meeting. Local knowledge is so valuable in these sorts of projects,’ Ms Lui said.
“So now it’s time for the community to have your say. If you are a boatie, a community member or a member of a community organisation we are calling for your input on the design.
To have your say email the project team on by Friday, 28 February 2020.
“The current Newell Beach boat ramp is only able to be used under favourable tide and wind conditions and I’m really keen to get this project completed as soon as possible. So please take part in these consultations,” Ms Lui said.
The tender process for the Newell Beach boat ramp is planned for April 2020 and takes up to eight weeks from the tender being released.
Pending approvals, construction is expected to start in mid-2020.

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