New developments at the Habitat get tick of approval from icon

One of Port Douglas’s top tourism hot spots, the Wildlife Habitat, is getting a makeover, which will see its rainforest environment get a fresh new look.
As the project nears completion, “Mister Port Douglas”, John Morris stopped by for a sneak peek.
Mr Morris, a tourism icon who helped shape Port Douglas as a holiday mecca also co-created the wildlife experience in the late 80’s and shared fond memories of the park saying it’s just as special now as it was back then and he looks forward to seeing the new developments.
Mr Morris added he was impressed by the bold investment which shows confidence in the region.
Wildlife Habitat General Manager, Andrew Hearn, said he looks forward to combining the new and exciting vision of Wildlife Habitats future with the solid foundation Mr Morris laid 30 years ago.
“It has been much loved over the years from the local community and visitors to the region and it’s no secret that it needed some restoration,” he said.
“However instead of just a ‘lick of paint’, we felt it was important to scale the rebuild to an eco-friendly world-class attraction. While also allowing for high-quality learning opportunities that reinforce our philosophy of Observation - Appreciation - Conservation, ensuring Australian wildlife is around for future generations to enjoy.”
The new attraction will take you through an epic journey over a daunting suspension bridge, cascaded multi-level boardwalks, and a central viewing tower that’s all swept with an adventurous feel amongst unique flora and fauna. Telling the distinct story of the world’s oldest living Rainforest and interactions with its inhabitants including the elusive Cassowary.
“Sometimes tourism needs a little nudge to keep going,” Mr Hearn said.
“We need to continue to be fresh, creating exceptional experiences and rare moments to make the destination more attractive, we need to be on top of our game, we’re excited for the future.”
The rebuild is set to be completed by early April 2020.
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