Multiple arrests after Port Douglas crime spree

Eight various properties around Port Douglas were broken into on Monday night and the early hours of Tuesday.
Port Douglas Officer in Charge, Sergeant Damian Meadows, said three perpetrators were arrested including a Wonga Beach man who was charged with 42 offences for various crimes committed over the last month. The other two, a female and a male, are believed to be from Cairns.
Two vehicles were also stolen at the time, one recovered in good condition, the other involved in a traffic accident in Cairns, where the Wonga Beach man was apprehended.
Sgt Meadows said the other two were apprehended driving a previously stolen Audi Sedan after police intercepted the vehicle following the deployment of tyre deflation devices in Smithfield.
Sgt Meadows said all the premises broken into were unsecured or unlocked in some capacity.
“I cannot reiterate enough that home security is the biggest key to stopping yourself from being a victim to these crimes,” he said.
Jewellery store robbery
In an unrelated incident on the same night, Evert Fine Jewellery in Port Douglas also had property stolen after perpetrators used a hammer to smash the display windows taking a number of items.
The property has since been recovered and is currently being forensically examined. No one has yet been charged; however, police have linked the perpetrators to a similar offence in Holloways Beach through CCTV.
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