Mossman energy apprentice sees bright future

Daniel Davidson, a Mossman Depot Apprentice with Ergon Energy, is setting his sights on a bright future as he along with 14 apprentices from across the Far North begin their initial training in Cairns, before they head back to their home depots.
And he is excited to be obtaining knowledge with such a reputable company and looking forward to a secure future.
“But, no, this is not always something I wanted to do. After leaving school it presented me with the best opportunity for a secure job.
“Ergon gives you the opportunity to not only obtain knowledge and experience in your own trade, but to explore other avenues in the company,” said Davidson.
In welcoming 102 new apprentices across Queensland, Regional Field Manager Chris Hooper said Ergon’s new recruits had plenty of opportunities to look forward to in an exciting industry.
“Ergon offers excellent training and there are so many different things you can do in your career.
“One of the most rewarding things you can do is help restore the power to a community after a natural disaster,” he said.
Mr Hooper said it was great to see more female apprentices joining a male-dominated industry because there was strength in diversity. Twenty seven women across the state began apprenticeships this year.
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