Love is in the air for Mossman students this Valentine’s Day
Students at Mossman State High School are sharing the love on Valentine’s Day tomorrow by selling roses around the schoolyard to raise funds for school activities.
The annual fundraiser is run by the junior school student leaders who sell the roses to fellow students who in turn will gift them on around the school.
Head of Department for the Junior School, Belinda Guthrie, said it is the first fundraising event for this year’s new leaders.
“This is always a nice way to start working together as a new group of student leaders and establishes their teamwork skills nice and early in the year,” she said.
“The idea is that the students are completely responsible for managing the activity; they advertise through form classes and actively sell the roses at lunchtimes.
“There is the odd romantic purchase, but mostly it is friends buying to celebrate their friendship, which is lovely,” Ms Guthrie said.
The roses used by the students are supplied by Port Doulas florist, Floral Edge at cost price, with all profits raised by students going directly back into future school causes.
Floral edge owner, Candice Johnson, said they jumped at the chance to get involved and give back to the school.
“We want to encourage kids from a young age to share the love and do something nice for their fellow students and receiving a rose can really make someone’s day.
“It’s just a nice thing to do and it’s a chance for the kids to raise money,” Ms Johnson said.
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