Hartley’s calling for donations for bushfire ravaged animals

Over the past few months, Hartley’s Crocodile Adventures have been busy collecting much-needed supplies for animals severely affected in Australia’s bushfires.
It has been estimated that over a billion native animals have perished due to the fires in parts of Australia over the past few months with countless more injured or losing their habitat.
Acting as a donation collection point, Hartley’s is encouraging people to donate items to be sent down to wildlife carers in bushfire ravaged areas. They have also set up various alternate donation points from Mossman to Gordonvale.
Animal medical supplies, pouches, wraps, and Bunning's gift cards are just some of the many items the animal sanctuary is collecting. (See the full list of items needed)

Hartley’s Wildlife Supervisor, Kristy Jensen, said they decided to get involved because the Hartley’s team felt very strongly that they needed to do something to help.
“As a wildlife park, all of our staff are committed to helping animals both captive and wild, and we were deeply saddened by the devastation the fires were causing and wanted to help in whatever way we could,” she said.
“So, after some discussions with our owner Angela Freeman, we decided to act as a collection point, allowing people to drop off items and make a contribution to looking after our native wildlife.”
To date, Hartley’s has sent off over 120 boxes of donated goods to wildlife carers in Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Western Australia, and the Northern Territory.
Ms Jensen said it has been a real community effort with people from all over the region lending a helping hand in one way or another.
“The support from the public has been overwhelming and has helped us to provide essential supplies to the wildlife carers on the front line.”
Ms Jensen added prisoners from Lotus Glen Correctional Centre in Mareeba have also been volunteering, sewing hundreds of small pouches for baby animals through the prison’s tailor shop.
“A lot of local businesses have come on board and are supporting us, some have acted as drop off locations, others are assisting with supplies and transport costs,” Ms Jensen said.
Find out how you can contribute to the ongoing cause and view where your closest donation point is.

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