Get Tropic and Exotic for Carnivale 2020

The Port Douglas Carnivale is fast approaching and registrations are now open for floats and walkers to take part in the ‘Tropic & Exotic’ themed 2020 Street Parade on Friday, 22 May.
There will be double the prize money for winning floats and double the fun as blinged-up, dressed up, singing and dancing locals take part in this spectacular event, celebrating life in the tropics.
Diversity is encouraged, along with participation by schools, bands, businesses and community organisations and anyone who wants to dress up and dance in the streets.
Paul Smyth, Events Officer at Douglas Shire Council, said this year’s Tropic & Exotic theme provided plenty of scope for creative design and costumes.
“We encourage participants to let their imaginations go wild, let’s create an entertaining spectacle that celebrates life in Tropical far North Queensland,” Mr Smyth said.
The Best Overall Float will win $2000, and the Best Business Float and Best Community Float will each receive $1000.
“The prize money is just another incentive to take part, the real reward is in the collaboration and community spirit at this hugely popular event, so get your team together and register now.
“It’s all part of bringing the town to life and creating that Carnivale atmosphere and is just as much fun for those in the parade as the thousands lining the street to watch it."

The fun begins at 5pm with a free Kids Disco and the parade kicks off at 6.30pm, followed by a fireworks display at 8pm.
Adding to the atmosphere on the night will be the Wonderland Spiegeltent, the Carnivale Fun Fair and food stalls, and Port Douglas restaurants and bars.
Spiegeltent shows and other events will run from 15 May.
Parade entries can be submitted online and must also be registered by Friday, 15 May.
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